ng class vs class binding difference in angular ?

Anil Kumar
Jun 4, 2023


Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Some when we work both seems to be same but there is difference we will see with example with implementation code.


1. Style — scss

 .value {
background-color: yellow;
.integer {
color: green;
border: 2px solid black;

2. template — html

  <div class="value" [class]="['integer number']">
Label Class 10.5

<div class="value" [ngClass]="['integer number']">
Label ng class 10.5

so class will work with array of classes but ngClass works

but if we change

<div class="value" [class]="['integer', 'number']">
Label Class 10.5
<div class="value" [ngClass]="['integer number']">
Label ng class 10.5

it apply.


So till now found this syntax difference. more still add…soon

